Allowable use of images on VIEWMEMORIES.COM

All photos Copyright © Tom Alciere. A few photos, marked 05.08.2012 were taken on 5 August 2012. All others are year, month, day. All times are UTC.

You may use the photos from this website as follows:

This only gives you Tom Alciere’s permission. Beware of any rights of other persons. I can give you my permission to use a picture of a basketball player but that might not entitle you to publish trading cards with that picture on them.

You may use photos on a free website, even if there are commercial ads on it, but you must provide source credit including a link to If you do so, you must upload the photo onto your website, not deep-link to this site. (If you do deep-link, which is <IMG SRC="">, to the photo on this website, we reserve the right to change the targeted image to something you might not want to display on your website. Such use will be detected because the end-user’s browser tells our server the URL of the referring page.)

You may use photos from this website in a paper publication, provided you provide source credit to VIEWMEMORIES.COM.

If you crop or otherwise retouch a photo from this website, the rules above apply, and the source credit should acknowledge the changes with Derived from a photo on VIEWMEMORIES.COM.